
White smoke from diesel engine
If the diesel engine emits white smoke during operation, the following parts should be inspected:
1. Injection advance angle: if the injection advance angle is wrong, the time of fuel injection into the cylinder misses the best injection time. Because the pressure and temperature in the cylinder are too low, some cylinders do not work, and the fuel is discharged in fog, so the diesel engine emits white smoke.

2. Injection pressure and atomization of fuel injector: if the injection pressure is insufficient or the atomization of fuel injector is not good, the cylinder may not work when the diesel engine is started, and the fuel is discharged in fog, so the diesel engine emits white smoke.

3. Moisture in the fuel: if the fuel contains too much moisture, the diesel engine will emit white smoke.

4. Environmental factors: during cold start in winter, due to low ambient temperature, some cylinders may not work, so the diesel engine emits white smoke.

5. Under general cylinder conditions, the white smoke fault of diesel engine only occurs in a period of time after cold start, and the white smoke phenomenon will disappear after the diesel engine works at full load. If there is white smoke at full load, there must be something wrong with the respirator or supercharger.

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